This page
contains the list of 40 instructive-methodical manuals, that were first published in
1996-1999 (in Russian) for the needs of out-door teachers and students discovering nature
Forty of them that have been writen first, were printed as 6-37 pages brochures
with different color jackets (left). Since 2005 these manuals are spreading in Russia not
in printed but in digital (CD) format.
These ecological field study instructive manuals cover a wide variety of activities
focusing on aquatic ecology, botany, forest ecology, soil studies, landscape analysis,
mammal studies, ornithology and human effects on nature.
1. Lazareva N.S., Bogolyubov A.S. A technique of herbarization. 1996. - 22 pp.
2. Kravchenko M.V., Bogolyubov A.S. The technique of the lichens communities
description. 1996. - 24 pp.
3. The program of bird populations monitoring. 1996. - 6 pp.
4. Bogolyubov A.S. Methods of birds survey: the line transects registrations. 1996. - 17
5. Methods of birds survey: counting on the square plots. 1996. - 17 pp.
6. Methods of birds survey: the dot registrations. 1996. - 9 pp..
7. Bogolyubov A.S. The elementary technique of the bird counting.1996. - 13 pp.
8. Bogolyubov A.S. The program of the annual winter bird survey in Russia. 1996. - 13
9. Dunaev E.A., Bogolyubov A.S. Methods of insects collection and survey. 1996. - 25 pp.
10. Bogolyubov A.S. The research project for students "Birds phenology ".1996.
- 13 pp.
11. Bogolyubov A.S. The program of complex territory investigation. 1996. - 6 pp.
12. The program of phenology research.1996 - 29 pp.
13. Methods of geobotanical researches. 1996. - 21 pp.
14. Technique of geobotanical mapping and profiling.1996. - 25 pp.
15. Bogolyubov A.S., Pankoff A.B. The elementary technique of the forest geobotanical
description. 1996. - 17 pp.
16. Program of geomorphologic investigation. 1996. - 17 pp.
17. Methods of hydrological researches: rivers description and measuring. 1996. - 21 pp.
18. Methods of hydrological researches: lakes description and measuring. 1996. - 21 pp.
19. Rules of results registration from the research work on ecology. 1996. - 17 pp.
20. Lazareva N.S., Bogolyubov A.S. Introduction to morphology of plants (manual for
beginners who work with field guides). 1997. - 37 pp.
21. Pchelkin A.V., Bogolyubov A.S. Methods of lichen indication of the air pollution.
1997. - 25 pp.
22. Kotov A.A., Bogolyubov A.S. Methods of freshwater plankton investigation. 1997. 14
23. Buyvolov U.A., Bogolyubov A.S. The program of a complex area pollution research
(introduction to a natural environment monitoring issues). 1997. - 17 pp.
24. Water pollution estimation using physics and chemistry methodologies.1997. - 17 pp.
25. Technique of perifiton investigation and estimation of natural waters
ephtrophication. 1997. - 17 pp.
26. Methods of zoobentos investigation and natural waters pollution estimation. 1997. -
17 pp.
27. Kravchenko M.V., Bogolyubov A.S. Definition of minerals and rocks. 1997. - 26 pp.
28. Methods of meteorological observations. 1997. - 21 pp.
29. Technique of the mammals tracks winter survey. 1997. - 13 pp.
30. Bogolyubov A.S., Rubina N.E. Methods of topographical survey. 1997. - 21 pp.
31. Buyvolov U.A., Kravchenko M.V., Bogolyubov A.S. Technique of the forest life level
estimation using pine trees. 1998. - 29 pp.
32. Program of round-year invertebrates investigation. 1998. - 21 pp.
33. Photographing of nature objects. 1998. - 25 pp.
34. Bogolyubov A.S., Zasko D.N. The simple technique of small water reservoirs
description. 1998. - 13 pp.
35. Bogolyubov A.S. The technique of a complex ecological estimation of antropogeneous
effects on the land. 1998. - 21 pp.
36. Bogolyubov A.S. The observation technique of the territorial and feeding behaviour
of chikadee's flocks. 1998. - 13 pp.
37. Popov S.V., Ilchenko O.G. Mammals behaviour observation technique in the zoo. 1998.
- 25 pp.
38. Bogolyubov A.S., Kravchenko M.V. The elementary technique of soil description. 1998.
- 21 pp.
39. Bogolyubov A.S., Preobrazhenskaya A.A. Methods of soils mapping. 1998. - 17 pp.
40. Bogolyubov A.S. The elementary methods of statistical evaluation of the ecological
research results.1998. - 13 pp.
These 40 ecological field study instructive manuals cover a wide variety of
activities focusing on aquatic ecology, botany, forest ecology, soil studies,
landscape analysis, mammal studies, ornithology and human effects on nature. The full list
of all 40 manuals you can see below. The lessons are based on five main themes: landscape, botany,
zoology, water
ecology and environmental
Our Paperback and eBooks on Amazon, Google Play and App Store
Orienteering in the Forest. This manual
contains a description of the procedure for teaching students simple skills with a map and
a compass - how to find north and south, measure azimuth, find directions and "read"
a map; as well as the procedure of laying a route for orienteering and organizing
competitions on the route. This field study has instructional video.
Simple "Eye" Survey of the Field Study Site.
This manual describesa procedure for creating a simple "eye" survey of a
field study site leading to a large-scale map of the study area. It contains several
different techniques of complex surveying including: field sketching, a method of detour,
polar method, a method of intersections and a method of perpendiculars. This field study
has instructional video.
Procedure of the Geological Exposure
Description. This manual contains a procedure for description and analysis of
geological exposure including: selection of a study site, preparation of the geological
exposure under study, descriptions of the profile for the selected geological structures
and interpretation and presentation of the results. This field study has instructional video.
Studying Minerals and Rocks in Your Area.
This manual contains a description of procedures for collecting mineral and rock samples
in your area as well as a brief theoretical course in mineralogy. The manual also contains
descriptions and short characteristics of rock classes, simple identifying keys and
recommendations for the presentation of the rock and mineral collection. This field study
has instructional video.
Plotting a Profile of a River Valley Slope.
This manual contains a procedure for plotting a geomorphological profile of the valley of
a small river or stream with the help of a simple leveling instrument. The work includes
construction of the leveling instrument, selection of the site for vertical surveying,
determining the slope profile and presentation of results. This field study has instructional video.
Simple Procedure of Soil Description.
This manual contains a procedure for soil profile construction and its description
according to morphological features. The technique of soil composition description is
based on soil horizons, soil and its horizon thickness, coloring, soil moisture,
mechanical composition, structure and texture, new formations and inclusions. This field
study has instructional video.
Study of Snow Cover Profile. This
manual describes the main functions and features of snow cover, and a procedure for snow
survey along a landscape profile. The activity includes location of survey sites,
establishment of snow exploring shaft, determination of snow layers according to a number
of visual characteristics, their measurement and description. This field study has instructional video.
Integrated Study Based on Landscape Profile.
This manual continues the study of landscape components along the line of a complex
landscape profile on the slope of a river or stream valley. The procedure for a standard
geobotanical description of a vegetative cover as well as general rules for a soil profile
and its description are provided. The lesson is aimed at describing plant associations and
underlying soils and their interrelations. This field study has instructional video.
Study of Species Composition and Number of
Fungi. This manual contains a procedure for the route census of fungi, fields
study design and laboratory processing of collected samples, including determination of
species, estimation of fungi stock as well as classification of fungi according to
edibility and toxicity. Students collect of fungi, census populations and describe
habitats. This field study has instructional
Making a Herbarium. In this manual we
describe the guidelines for making a collection of herbaceous plants, specialized
equipment and its use, procedures for collection, drying, assembly and storing herbaria,
including herbaria of some complex groups of plants. Included is information on techniques
for drying, making collections of fruits and seeds, mushrooms, mosses and lichens. This
field study has instructional video.
The Study of Plants in Your Local Environment.
In this manual we describe the procedure for the simple but laborious work on the
compilation of plants list (flora) of your local environment. We describe a general scheme
for the organization of the study, including selection of routes for surveying, collection
and description of plants for a herbarium as well as the identification of plant species
and writing a final report. This field study has instructional video.
Mapping Forest Vegetation. This manual
describes two procedures for vegetation mapping: complete and transect mapping. The stages
of field studies are described including reconnaissance survey, determination and mapping
of plant associations and geobotanical description of typical vegetation. Related lab
studies include mapping and analysis of the spatial distribution of vegetation. This field
study has instructional video.
Study of the Vertical Structure of a Forest.
This manual describes a procedure for the study of the vegetative community of a forest.
It includes a description of the main characteristics of vegetative canopies, species
composition, and ratios of different plant species in the community based on their
relative numbers, and for tree and shrub layers, the diameter of trunks, height and age.
This field study has instructional video.
Green Plants Under Snow. This manual
describes how different plants over-winter, different plant adaptations to winter and the
difference between evergreen and wintergreen plants. The field study focuses on the study
of green plants under the snow cover and includes selection and location of sites,
description of vegetation cover and report preparation. This field study has instructional video.
Study of the Ecology of Early Flowering Plants.
This manual is devoted to studies of early flowering plants. The manual describes
important biological peculiarities of these plants, the procedure for assessment of their
distribution and numbers within the area under study as well as methods for the recording
of observation data and presentation of studies results. This field study has instructional video.
Phenology of Plant Florescence. This
manual describes the study of spatial dynamics of species composition of flowering plants
in different biotopes. The main phases of the work are: planning the survey, finding
flowering plants, determination of the phenological phase of florescence, listing and
analyzing biotopic differences in species composition and time of florescence. This field
study has instructional video.
Assessment of the Vital State of Coniferous
Underbrush. This manual describes the study of the growth for coniferous tree
underbrush in different types of forest plant associations. It explains the selection of
biotopes for study, a procedure for measuring height and age of young trees, primary
processing of measurement data and plotting graphs explaining growth success level and
vital state of the underbrush. This field study has instructional video.
Study of Growth Dynamics of Trees Based on
Annual Rings. This manual describes an elementary procedure for the preparation of
a tree trunk cross-section and subsequent counting of annual growth rings. The information
will then be used to sketch a graph of the dynamics of tree growth in years and further
analyze the tree growth in connection with changes in environmental factors. This field
study has instructional video.
Study of Forest Invertebrates (Part I: Forest
Litter, Wood). In this manual we have included a description of the structure and
sequence for this field study activity, determining the main characteristics of
invertebrate populations in different habitats and environments and a description of
techniques for collection and census of invertebrates within the forest litter and wood.
This field study has instructional video.
Study of Forest Invertebrates (Part 2: Grass
Layer, Tree Crowns and Air). This lesson continues the study of forest
invertebrate studies and includes a description of equipment for field studies as well as
a description of techniques for collection and census of invertebrates inhabiting grass,
tree crowns and shrubs, as well as flying invertebrates. This field study has instructional video.
Studies of Species Composition and Abundance
of Amphibians. This manual contains a procedure for the organization of studies of
the numbers and population structure of amphibians in spring and summer. The method of
selecting habitats for study, the technique for a route census of frogs, the procedure for
the simplest measurements of caught animals and the analysis of the age structure of frog
populations found in different biotopes are described. This field study has instructional video.
Let's Help Birds!. This manual
describes two practical nature conservation projects devoted to attracting birds: feeding
winter birds, and making and hanging artificial nesting places. Included are the design of
simple bird feeders and composition of birdseed, the procedure for making artificial
nesting places as well as general rules for hanging birdhouses. This field study has instructional video.
Studies of Bird Populations Size by Different
Methods. This manual describes three procedures for quantitative estimation of
bird populations: route, point and constant site (plot) censuses. Included are guidelines
for the organization, preparation (establishing a route and site selection), census
procedures, record-keeping and data processing. This field study has instructional video.
Studies of the Day Activity of Singing Birds.
This manualis devoted to the description of the simplest procedure for bird census
in the nesting season, based on the sounds of singing males. It contains the general
scheme of field studies, including choice and laying of the census route, technique for
bird census and methods to present the results of studies. This field study has instructional video.
Study of Birds' Nesting Life. This
manual describes methods of observations of the nesting life of birds with the example of
birds that settle in artificial nesting places. The manual reviews the organization of
observations over the stages of nesting life, including: nest building, laying and
incubation of eggs, hatching of nestlings, parents' care and feeding of nestlings. This
field study has instructional video
Methods of Observation of a Chickadee Flock's
Territorial Behavior. This manual describes a procedure for observing the
territorial behavior of birds of mixed chickadee flocks during autumn and winter. The main
of goal is to track the flock's movement within the forest, mapping speed and direction
on the flock's route. This data is used for determining the feeding territory of this
flock. This field study has instructional
Procedure of Winter Mammals Route Census by
Footprints. This manual contains a standard procedure of census for large and
middle-sized mammals (from weasel to elk) during a winter period, which is applied in the
system game animals' census in the forested zone of Russia. This manual includes a
description of census routes selection procedure, technique of census data processing and
calculation of numbers of animals per unit of the area. This field study has instructional video.
Study of Mammal Ecology According to Their
Tracks. This manual provides a procedure for "tracking" mammals according to
tracks left in the snow. Focus is on the behavior of mammals: size of their habitat,
biotopic and habitat distribution, feeding sites, behavior during feeding, etc. Several
methods of determining track freshness, the direction of movement and rules for tracking
are described. This field study has instructional
Complex Comparative Description of Small
Rivers and Streams. This manual provides a simple scheme of exploring simple
hydrological as well as chemical and biological features of a water body. A simple form of
data description was developed in order to simplify the recording of survey data and its
standardization. This form includes all general data on the water body, which can be
collected without using special devices or equipment. This field study has instructional video.
Physical and Chemical Properties of Natural
Waters. This manual contains guidelines for sampling natural and artificial bodies
of water and snow sampling. It describes the procedure for determining the main physical
properties of water including temperature, transparency, coloration, smell and total
content of dredge and suspended particles. Quantitative analyses include acid estimation
and oxygen content. This field study has instructional
The Study of Water Invertebrates in a Local
River and Assessment of Its Environmental State. This manual is devoted to the
study ofmacrozoobenthos - invertebrates that inhabit the bottom of bodies of
water. The main idea of this lesson is to study these invertebrates in a local small river
or stream and to determine water quality based on species composition and representation
of various collected organisms. This field study has instructional video.
Study of Plankton. This manual
contains procedures for studying meso- and microzooplankton in freshwater bodies,
including techniques of sampling, sample conservation, qualitative and quantitative
analyses. Emphasis is on long term studies using identical field study techniques.
Variations and options for additional studies are described. This field study has instructional video.
Study of Fauna of Spring Temporary Water
Bodies. This manualdescribes the procedure for studying vernal pools in spring.
Students analyze the species composition of animals found in temporary water bodies at
different distances away from a constant water reservoir. A general plan for the
organization of studies is given, as well as a technique for sampling (catching animals),
processing, and representation of data. This field study has instructional video.
Assessment of Air Pollution by Lichen
Indication Method. This manual contains procedures for the application of
bioindication research using lichens for the assessment of environmental conditions. The
focus is on methods of quantitative evaluation of lichen species in biological monitoring
based on the use of poleotolerance classes and lichen bioindication indexes. This field
study has instructional video.
Assessment of the Vital State of a Forest Based
on Pine-tree Analysis. This manual contains a procedure for environmental
assessment of forests based on the analysis of the morphological state of Scotch pine
trees (Pinus sylvestris L). Key characteristics chosen as the main integral criteria are:
the degree of crown defoliation, needle discoloration, number of cones and growth of end
shoots. This field study has instructional
Assessment of Ecological Features of Meadows
on the Base of Vegetation Cover. This manual contains a procedure for
bioindication of ecological conditions in meadow plant associations according to the
species composition and abundance of plants. Without any geographical, physical, chemical
or historical studies, it is also possible to determine important characteristics of
habitat physical conditions. This field study has instructional video.
Assessment of Environmental State of the
Forest Based on Leaves Asymmetry. This manual contains procedure for assessment
of environmental state of the area, in particular, forests, based on integral
characteristics of asymmetry of tree leaves. The procedure is based on the theory that
difference between the left and the right halves of a leaf correlates with the degree of
total environmental disturbance. This field study has instructional video.
Complex Environmental Assessment of Human
Impact on an Area. This manual contains a procedure for human impact study, which
allows us to quantitatively evaluate the degree of disturbance and the influence of human
activities on the main landscape components: relief, vegetation and soils. This study is
based on the route counting of local objects of human impact. The procedure is
applicable for forested zones. This field study has instructional video.
Making a Campfire. This manual
describes the rules of choosing a campfire site, the technique for starting the bonfire
and preparation of fuel in field conditions. The manual describes different types of
bonfires used for different purposes. The activity is arranged in a form of a game with
elements of competition. This field study has instructional video.
For the goals of the MSU distance courses the set of these 40 manuals are
divided into appropriate seasons with 10 manuals for each season of the year.
Ecological field studies begin with basic skills in Autumn, proceed through Winter and
Spring with appropriate seasonal activities and culminate in advanced studies in Summer: