Projects like these are the result of
cooperation among a large number of people and organizations. This page contains
electronic links to some of the major contributors to our programs. We encourage you to
visit the web sites of our partners and learn about the many opportunities they provide
for teachers and students.
The Field Studies Council is an environmental education charity committed
to helping people understand and be inspired by the natural world. Thousands of students
every year experience the FSC through fieldwork and cross-curricular courses at their
network of 17 centres across the UK.
In the United States, Creek Farm
Education Associates provides the organizational structure and expertise for
development of educational materials, the delivery of ecological field technique courses
and the arranging of new field trips and expeditions through America and Russia.
The Department
of Education at Montana State University awards university credit for ecological field
techniques course work for teachers.
In the Russian Federation Association Ecosystem and the Center for Field Studies has been responsible for development of
educational materials and the coordination of participation of teachers from Russia.
Finally the directors of this project Michael Brody
and Alexsander Bogolyubov invite you
to contact us for information about and participation in our projects.