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Bird Decoys for European Birds: Songs, Calls, Sounds, Bird voices - application for Android download from Google Play / Play Market for free

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Our Field Ecology Center published more than 180 methodical materials for nature studies. Some of them are in English:
Mobile educational application: Ecological Field Studies Techniques on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of North America: Songs and Calls Decoys on Play.Google WILD FLOWERS OF RUSSIA Field Identification Guide on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Russia on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Russia Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Europe Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Europe Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google
Mobile Educational Apps and Field Identification Guides for Russian, European and American Birds
Applications for Android and iOS are available at GooglePlay and AppStore

Please indicate our source if you publish these materials in the Internet.

Assessment of the Vital State of Coniferous Underbrush

© Alexsander S. Bogolyubov, Russia, 2001

© Michael J. Brody, USA, 2003

Assessment of the vital state of coniferous underbrushThis manual describes the study of the growth for coniferous tree underbrush in different types of forest plant associations. It explains the selection of biotopes for study, a procedure for measuring height and age of young trees, primary processing of measurement data and plotting graphs explaining growth success level and vital state of the underbrush.

This field study has instructional video featuring real students conducting the ecological field techniques in nature. Each video illustrates the primary instructional outcomes and the major steps in accomplishing the task including reporting the results.


It is known that the rate of reforestation depends on a number of factors, first of all, on availability of seed and the physical properties of the environment.

Seeds of most coniferous tree species are disseminated by the wind. When seeds fall into forest litter (debris layer) under favorable conditions, they can germinate and sprout. If the specific tree species can later become the main forest layer, then such sprouts are called underbrush (or youth growth) from the moment of their appearance. It is widely accepted that young trees can be called underbrush until they reach 1/3 of the height of the main forest canopy.

Unlike the underbrush, trees and bushes that cannot become the main forest canopy later due to their biological features, i.e. to form a full-value forest stand are called underwood (understory).

A typical example of underbrush in a pine-spruce forest can be young spruces, pines and birches, whereas underwood is composed of willows, mountain ash, buckthorn, raspberry, etc.

The rate of underbrush growth depends on a number of factors, first of all, on the physical conditions of the habitat: moisture, temperature and light conditions, soil richness, diseases and insects/pests. It is practically impossible to take into account all of these factors. However, it is possible to measure the role of all the factors in the aggregate by assessing the success of growth or vital state of the underbrush under natural conditions.

This lesson is aimed at the assessment of the underbrush growth successfulness on the example of one of the most abundant coniferous tree species found in your area. Coniferous trees were chosen as objects for study as it is easy to determine the age of young trees of most coniferous species according to their appearance. It is almost impossible to conduct the same study based on deciduous trees or shrubs.

Students will need a minimum of equipment to complete the lesson: a two-meter measuring tape or a pole of 3-4 meters long, which is divided into decimeters, as well as a field diary to record the measurement data.

Selection of biotopes for study

Objectives of the study include taking measurements of the height and age of young coniferous trees under different growth conditions. Depending on the chosen tree species (let us remember that is should be an abundant species in your area), students perform an approximate assessment of its population size in different biotopes. In compliance with the standard rules for the present study (one or two days by a group of 10-11 students), it is recommended to choose 3-5 different biotopes where underbrush consisting of young trees of the chosen species is found.

Norway (common) spruce is the most widespread and suitable species for study in the conditions of the central part of Russia (in the vicinity of the field studies center "Ecosystem"). The biotopes where that species regenerates more or less successfully include a spruce forest; mixed coniferous and deciduous forest, pine forests and small-leafed forests (a birch forest and birch-pine forest). You can choose another model species in different biotopes in other areas.

Organization of fieldwork

Before the field part of the work, a group of students is divided into teams (working groups) according to the number of biotopes under study (in our case, into four ...


This was only the first page from the manual and its full version you can see in the

Our Paperback and eBooks on Amazon, Google Play and App Store

It is possible to purchase our books about nature investigation with students on

"Investigating Nature Together" eBooks:

Amazon eBook Investigating Nature Together. Part 1: Autumn Amazon eBook Investigating Nature Together. Part 2: Winter Amazon eBook Investigating Nature Together. Part 3: Spring Amazon eBook Investigating Nature Together. Part 4: Summer

and Paperback: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer


"Field Studies Techniques" eBooks:

Amazon eBook Field Studies Techniques. Part 1: Geography and Landscape sciences Amazon eBook Field Studies Techniques. Part 2: Botany Amazon eBook Field Studies Techniques. Part 3: Zoology Amazon eBook Field Studies Techniques. Part 4: Hydrobiology and Water Ecology Amazon eBook Field Studies Techniques. Part 5: Bioindication and Nature Monitoring

and Paperback: Geography, Botany, Zoology, Hydrobiology, Bioindication

All these manuals you can also purchase in the form of applications for smartphones and tablets on Google Play and App Store
Mobile educational application Ecological Field Studies Techniques: Investigating Nature with Kids


Other Ecological Field Studies Instructive Manuals:

Autumn Season
Book on Amazon

  1. Orienteering in the Forest
  2. Procedure of the Geological Exposure Description
  3. Plotting a Profile of a River Valley Slope
  4. Simple Procedure of Soil Description
  5. Assessment of the Vital State of a Forest Based on Pine-tree Analysis
  6. Study of Species Composition and Number of Fungi
  7. Study of Species Composition and Census of Birds Using the Line Transect-counting Method
  8. Integrated Study Based on Landscape Profile
  9. Complex Environmental Assessment of Human Impact on an Area
  10. Assessment of Air Pollution by Lichen Indication Method

Winter Season
Book on Amazon

  1. Making a Campfire
  2. Simple "Eye" Survey of the Field Study Site
  3. Study of Growth Dynamics of Trees Based on Annual Rings
  4. Mapping Forest Vegetation
  5. Green Plants Under Snow
  6. Methods of Observation of a Chickadee Flock's Territorial Behavior
  7. Procedure of Winter Mammals Route Census by Footprints
  8. Study of Mammal Ecology According to Their Tracks
  9. Physical and Chemical Properties of Natural Waters
  10. Study of Snow Cover Profile

Spring Season
Book on Amazon

  1. Let's Help Birds!
  2. Study of the Ecology of Early Flowering Plants
  3. Phenology of Plant Florescence
  4. Assessment of the Vital State of Coniferous Underbrush
  5. Study of Forest Invertebrates (Part I: Forest Litter, Wood)
  6. Studies of Species Composition and Abundance of Amphibians
  7. Studying Minerals and Rocks in Your Area
  8. Studies of the Day Activity of Singing Birds
  9. Studies of Bird Populations Size by Different Methods
  10. Study of Fauna of Spring Temporary Water Bodies

Summer Season
Book on Amazon

  1. Making a Herbarium
  2. The Study of Plants in Your Local Environment
  3. Study of the Vertical Structure of a Forest
  4. Study of Forest Invertebrates (Part 2: Grass Layer, Tree Crowns and Air)
  5. Study of Birds' Nesting Life
  6. Complex Comparative Description of Small Rivers and Streams
  7. The Study of Water Invertebrates in a Local River and Assessment of Its Environmental State
  8. Study of Plankton
  9. Assessment of Ecological Features of Meadows on the Base of Vegetation Cover
  10. Assessment of Environmental State of the Forest Based on Leaves' Asymmetry

Our Field Ecology Center published more than 180 methodical materials for nature studies. Some of them are in English:
Mobile educational application: Ecological Field Studies Techniques on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of North America: Songs and Calls Decoys on Play.Google WILD FLOWERS OF RUSSIA Field Identification Guide on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Russia on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Russia Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Europe Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Europe Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google
Mobile Educational Apps and Field Identification Guides for Russian, European and American Birds
Applications for Android and iOS are available at GooglePlay and AppStore

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Home | Main English Page | Field Ecology Center | More about Ecosystem | International Cooperation
Ecological Field Techniques (Instructive Videos) | Ecological Field Techniques (Instructive Manuals)
Mobile Applications | Russian Nature in Photographs | Nature Landscapes of the World | Contacts


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© Ýêîëîãè÷åñêèé öåíòð "Ýêîñèñòåìà"™, À.Ñ. Áîãîëþáîâ / © Field Ecology Center "Ecosystem"™, Alexander Bogolyubov, 2001-2020