Creek Farm Education Associates
422 West Harrison Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
creekfarm@yandex.ru |
Area of Professional Specialty: Science & Environmental Education Background and
Experience: teaching & learning, educational research, curriculum development &
computer applications.
- 1985 Ph.D., Cornell University Science & Environmental Education, Curriculum &
Natural Resources
- 1979 MST, University of New Hampshire Biology
- 1974 BA, Boston College Biology and Secondary Education
Professional Experience
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT; July 1992 - present
Associate Professor of Science Education (1994-present)
Teacher of environmental and science, graduate and undergraduate education courses.
Developed the Ecological Field Studies Program connecting environmental teachers through
global communications network. Consulted with teachers throughout the Russian Federation
on ecology education programs.
Associate Director of National Project WET (1992-94)
Director of research and development of a national curriculum for grades K-12
focusing on water and water resources. Conducted research on teacher and water resource
specialists perceptions of curriculum needs, developed Project WET curriculum framework,
conducted eight regional writing workshops throughout the USA, developed lessons and
activities, coordinated national field test of curriculum materials.
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- Brody, M, W. Tomkiewicz & C. Graves, Park Visitor’s Understanding, Values and
Beliefs Related to Their Experience at Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park,
USA, International Journal of Science Education, special edition on environmental
education, 2002.
- Brody, M. & A. DeOnis, Dinosaur density, The Science Teacher, National
Science Teachers Association, 2001.
- Brody, Michael, Descending the Watershed; rethinking the place of curriculum, Canadian
Journal of Environmental Education, 1997.
- Brody, Michael, Assessment of student environmental science knowledge related to
Oregon's marine resources, Journal of Environmental Education, 1996, vo. 27, no. 3,
pp 21-27.
- Brody, Michael, Development of a curriculum framework for water education: educators,
scientists and resource managers, Journal of Environmental Education, 1995 vol. 26,
no. 4, 18-29.
- Brody, Michael, Vernal pools in the curriculum, Wild Earth, the Journal of the
Cenozoic Society, Spring, 1995.
- Brody, Michael, Student science knowledge related to ecological crises, International
Journal of Science Education, 1994, vol. 16, no. 4, 421-435.
- Brody, Michael & E. Chipman, High school biology teacher's use of conservation
magazines in the classroom, The Journal of Environmental Education , Vol. 7, July,
- Brody, Michael & B. Patterson, Aquarium/Aquaculture, The Science Teacher,
vol. 59. 2 February, 1992.
- Brody, Michael, Student understanding of pollution, Journal of Environmental
Education, vol. 22. 2 Winter 1990-91.
- Kopec, Danny, C. Wood & M. Brody, Using cognitive mapping techniques for educating
about sexually transmitted diseases with an intelligent tutoring system, Journal of
Artificial Intelligence in Education, vol. 2. 2 Winter 1990-91.
Chapters in Books
- Brody, M., Bullock, J. & Bullard, J., (1997), Puddles and Ponds: The Project
Approach Applied to Aquatic Habitats, in Science and Mathematics for Early Elementary
Education, ERIC Clearinghouse.
- Brody, M., 1996. Biological interrelationships and water, in Fisher, K. M. & Kibby,
M. R.(eds.), Knowledge Acquisition, Organization, & Use in Biology, Berlin:
- Jimenez-Aleixandre, M., Amir R., Brody M., Tamir P. & Tomkiewicz, W., 1996, The
nature of knowledge in biology and it's implications for teaching and learning, in Fisher,
K. M. & Kibby, M. R.(eds.) Knowledge Acquisition, Organization, & Use in
Biology, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- Danny Kopec & Brody M., Towards an intelligent tutoring system with application to
sexually transmitted diseases in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring
Systems: Knowledge Based Systems for Teaching and Learning, Kopec and Thompson eds.,
Ellis Horwood Publishers, Chichester, England, 1992.
- Brody, Michael, Monograph: Descending the Watershed, Rethinking the Place of Curriculum,
Niznhii Tagil Pedagogical Institute, Niznhii Tagil, Russia, December 1995 (published in
- Brody, Michael, Educating in the watershed, in the Proceedings of the Conference on
Environmental Education in a Large Industrial City, Niznhii Tagil Pedagogical Institute,
Niznhii Tagil, Russia, December 1995 (published in Russian).
- Brody, Michael, Foundations and methodologies in environmental education, in the
Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Education in a Large Industrial City,
Niznhii Tagil Pedagogical Institute, Niznhii Tagil, Russia, December 1995 (published in
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Brody, M, The Status of US Aquaculture and Implications for Education Activities,
Proceedings of the Third Scientific and Practical Student Conference: Aquaculture and
Business, Astrakhan State Technological University, Dmitrov Branch, Rybnoye, Moscow
Region, Russian Federation. April 2000 (in Russian).
- Brody, M. & Rhines, L., "Old Sable: A Russian-American Environmental Education
Project", in the International Workshop: Using Communication to Make Environmentally
sustainable Development Happen in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North
American Association of Environmental Education, San Francisco, CA, October, 1996 (in
- Brody, M., Rhines, L., "Educating Teachers in an Ecological Emergency Zone; Niznhii
Tagil, Russia", in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American
Association of Environmental Education, San Francisco, CA, October, 1996 (in Russian).
- Brody, M., Development of the Project WET Curriculum Framework, Proceedings of the
American Water Resources Association Summer Symposia, Seattle, WA June 1993.
Funded Research and Projects
- NTEN-Elementary Teaching and Learning About Ecosystems, National Teachers Enhancement
Network, National Science Foundation, $18,000.
- Yellowstone Park Visitors Understanding of Geothermal Features and Associated
Microorganisms, World Foundation for Environment and Development, Washington, DC, $4,000.
- Russian American Environmental Education Project: Connecting Mountain Systems, 1998,
Department of Education, Washington DC, $30,000.
- In-Country Follow-up Russian Environmental Education and Training, 1997, Academy for
Educational Development, Washington DC, $12,600.
- Russian Environmental Education and Training, 1997, Academy for Educational Development,
Washington DC, $60,000.
- Environmental Education and Training, 1996, Academy for Educational Development,
Washington DC, $68,000.