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This page contains the list of images of the Western Siberia nature: natural landscapes, vegetation types, some fungi, plants and animals.
Clicking on the preview in the list below you will be transferred to the page with the full sized image
(usually 1024 x 768 pixels and approximately 150 kilobytes).

Asia, Russia

Hanti-Mansiysk region

Vladimir Nazarov - author of all pictures of this geographical region
Swans over the river near Pim island
"Virgin channel" in spring
Musk-rat (musquash - Ondatra zibethica) lodges in spring
Musk-rat (musquash - Ondatra zibethica) lodges in autumn (Ob River valley)
Musk-rat (musquash) lodges in warm autumn. Channel near Pim island
Flowering willow
Clouds above Ob-river
Ob-river channel with flowering watercress (Rorippa)
Ob-river flood-lands (water-meadows)
Pine forest on the Ob-river island
Forest-clearing (glade) overgrowing with pine
Island spruce forest edge
Young birch forest near Siroy Agan channel
Autumn forest. "Snowball tree" (Viburnum) channel
Autumn forest. "Snowball tree" (Viburnum) channel
Reed bushes on the Solkin Channel
Pine forest in winter. Suburbs of the Nefteugansk city
Pine forest in winter (Pim island)
Waterlogged pine forest
Forest-clearing (glade) overgrowing with pine
Waterlogged pine forest. Suburbs of the Nefteugansk city
Sunset over Ob-river
Forest fire near oil-pipe line
Forest fire
Forest fire on the Pim island
Ground fire
Forest fire-site overgrowing by pine
Mushroom harvest
Boletus edulis - Cep
Boletus edulis - Cep
Leccinum scambrum f. chiîneum - Brown cap boletus (bog, white)
Leccinum scambrum f. chiîneum - Brown cap boletus (bog, white)
Leccinum aurantiacum - Red orange-cap boletus
Leccinum aurantiacum - Red orange-cap boletus
Leccinum aurantiacum - Red orange-cap boletus
Leccinum versipelle (Fr.) Snell. = Leccinum testaceoscabrum - Brown orange-cap boletus
Leccinum versipelle (Fr.) Snell. = Leccinum testaceoscabrum - Brown orange-cap boletus
Leccinum versipelle (Fr.) Snell. = Leccinum testaceoscabrum - Brown orange-cap boletus
Leccinum versipelle (Fr.) Snell. = Leccinum testaceoscabrum - Brown orange-cap boletus
Leccinum versipelle (Fr.) Snell. = Leccinum testaceoscabrum - Brown orange-cap boletus
Leccinum versipelle (Fr.) Snell. = Leccinum testaceoscabrum - Brown orange-cap boletus
Leccinum percandidum - White orange-cap boletus
Leccinum percandidum - White orange-cap boletus
Amanita muscaria - Red fly-agaric
Flammulina velutipes - Winter armillaria (honey fungus)
Lactarius volemus - Spurge
Fomes fomentarius - Polypore (bracket-fungus) vulgaris
Phellinus themulae - Aspen Polypore (bracket-fungus)
Phellinus themulae - Aspen Polypore (bracket-fungus)
Willow inflorescence
Viburnum opulus - Snowball tree inflorescence
Viburnum opulus - Snowball tree berries
Rubus idaeus - Forest raspberry
Rubus idaeus - Forest raspberry
Rubus chamaemorus - Ñloudberry
Rubus chamaemorus - Ñloudberry
Ledum palustre - Wild rosemary
Ledum palustre - Wild rosemary
Ledum palustre - Wild rosemary
Andromeda polifolia
Chamaedaphne calyculata - Butterbur
Vaccinium vitis-idea
Vaccinium vitis-idea - Red whortleberry
Vaccinium vitis-idea - Red whortleberry
Red whortleberry harvest
Vaccinium myrtillus - Bilberry
Rubus arcticus
Chamerion angustifolium- Rose-bay
Stachys palustris - Woundwort
Lactuca sp.
Comarum palustre - Potentilla
Dactylorhiza fuschii (maculata) - Orchis
Veronica longifolia - Speedwell
Sanguisorba officinalis- Burnet
Impatiens noli-tangere - Touch-me-not
Myosotis palustris - Forget-me-not
Actaea erythrocarpa - Baneberry
Polygonum amphibium
Caltha palustris - Marsh marigold
Eriophorum vaginatum - Cotton-grass meadow
Angelica archangelica (Archangelica officinalis)- Angelica
Gentiana pneumonanthe - Gentian
Gentiana pneumonanthe - Gentian
Anemonidium dichotomum (dichotoma) - Anemone
Leucanthemum vulgare
Atragene sibirica
Silene vulgaris - Bladder campion
Lysimachia vulgaris - Loosestrife
Aglais (Nymphalis) urticae - Small tortoise-shell
Nymphalis io - Peacock-butterfly
Melasoma tremulae - Red-winged aspen Leaf-eating Beetle
Sympetrum flaveolum (flavedum) - Yellow-winged darter
Formica rufa - Red Forest Ant
Formica rufa- Red Forest Ant-hill
Bufo bufo - Common Toad
Bufo bufo - Common Toad
Vipera berus - Snake skin
Sterna hirundo - Common tern
Mouse-catching Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the Ob-river valley
Mouse-catching Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the Ob-river valley
Mouse-catching Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the Ob-river valley

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Except this region there are images of other regions natural landscapes:
Russia (from West to East): West Baltic (Kurshskaya Kosa), Leningrad Region, Moscow Region (Central Russia), Western Caucasus Mountains (Sochi), Northern Caucasus Mountains (Elbruz), Northern Ossetia (Northern Caucasus), Middle Volga (Taiga zone), Middle Volga (Steppe zone), Astrakhan Reserve (Volga delta), Pre-Polar Urals (Yugyd-Va National Park), Middle Urals (Chusovaya river), Ob-river valley (Center of Western Siberia), Taz peninsula (North of Western Siberia), Altai Region (Steppe and Altai foothills), Altai Mountains (Altai-Sayan Mountain Ecoregion), Sayan Mountains (Southern Siberia), Minusinsk basin (Southern Siberia), Lake Baikal (South of Central Siberia), Sihote-Alin Mountains (South of the Far East), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula ( volcanoes, mountains, water bodies, vegetation, wildlife);
Former USSR States: Carphatians (Western Ukraine), Western Caucasus (Abkhazia), Georgia (Central Caucasus Mountains), Northern Tien-Shan: Issyk-Kul Lake and Zailiysky Alatau, Western Tien-Shan Mountains (Kirgizstan), Tadjikstan (Pamir Mountains);
Europe (from North to South): Norway, Finland, UK: England and Scotland, UK: Wales, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Italy (Dolomites Alps), Northern and Central France, Southern France, Andorra, Spain and Portugal, Italy (Apennine Peninsula), Croatia, Western Bulgaria (Mountains), Eastern Bulgaria (Black Sea), Northern Greece, Kos Island (Greece), Rhodes Island (Greece), Crete Island (Greece), Cyprus;
Asia: Central Turkey (Taurus), Southern Turkey (Kemer, Antalya), Middle East (Syria, Lebanon and Israel), United Arab Emarates, India (Himalayas), Sri Lanka, North-East of China (Peking), Laos, South-Western Thailand, South-Eastern Thailand, Indonesia (Bali Island);
North America: USA East coast (Eastern states), Alaska, Rocky Mountains (USA, Montana), Yellowstone National Park, Utah and Nevada mountains, South-West steppe and deserts (Arizona and Texas);
Central America: Mexico, Cuba (Caribbean), Guatemala and Honduras, Costa Rica;
South America: Venezuela (Orinoco River and Guiana Highlands), Central Andes and Amazonian Lowland (Peru), Precordillera (Argentina), Brazilian Highlands (Brazilian Plateau), Patagonia (Argentina), Land of Fire (Tierra del Fuego) Archipelago;
Africa: Tunis (Tunisia), Egypt, Tenerife Island (Canaries Archipelago) Kenya and Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Namibia, Swaziland, South African Republic;
Australia and New Zealand: North Australia (Darwin), Australia Northern Territory, South-Eastern Australia (Sydney, New South Wales), South Australia (Melburn, Victoria), New Zealand: North Island, New Zealand: South Island;
Antarctic: Antarctic Peninsula.

From Photo Nature section of our site you can also download thousands images of fungi, lichens, plants and animals, made by professional Russian field biologists and geographers during their expeditions all over the Russia and former USSR republics. All objects from our collection are determined by scientist and have exact scientific name, date and place of taking picture, as well as size of the original image.
You are able to find necessary pictures using four different approach: 1) with a help of Geographic Index (all objects are separated by countries and nature geographical zones), 2) with a help of Systematic Index (all objects are separated by their systematic position), 3) with a help of Alphabetical Index (all objects are separated by their scientific Latin names according to the alphabet), and 4) with a help of Search Form (you can search scientific (Latin) names of species, genus, family, or order).

Our Field Ecology Center published more than 180 methodical materials for nature studies. Some of them are in English:
Mobile educational application: Ecological Field Studies Techniques on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of North America: Songs and Calls Decoys on Play.Google WILD FLOWERS OF RUSSIA Field Identification Guide on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Russia on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Russia Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Europe Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google Mobile field guide Birds of Europe Songs, Calls and Voices on Play.Google
Mobile Educational Apps and Field Identification Guides for Russian, European and American Birds
Applications for Android and iOS are available at GooglePlay and AppStore

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© Ýêîëîãè÷åñêèé öåíòð "Ýêîñèñòåìà"™, À.Ñ. Áîãîëþáîâ / © Field Ecology Center "Ecosystem"™, Alexander Bogolyubov, 2001-2020